About us

Established in 2016, Total Zero harm (Pty) Ltd is a public service safety company established to raise safety awareness to the public. Our primary function is to secure the health, safety and welfare of people at home, work and in the community and to protect them from risks to health and safety from work activity. Our believe is  that “The key to reducing injuries is the ability to identify and Manage hazards” therefore we aim to improve hazard awareness at home, at work and in the community  and
most importantly to identify them, correct them, implement Near miss reporting system before they cause an incident or injury with adverse consequence.

“Our zero harm philosophy is very clear. It has to be something in the hearts and minds of all, at home, work and community at large that safety comes first - so, no matter what the contract is, how late you are, how important the customer is, how close the deadline is or how late you are, we will not compromise and we will not put the health and safety of our people at risk”

We are committed to address the needs of our community and providing exceptional environmental, health and safety services, by identifying and evaluating the potential effects of the conditions and safety hazards, we are better able to protect all personnel as well as our environment.Total Zero Harm representatives develop, execute and improve HS&E Near miss reporting systems while ensuring proactive identification of hazards, making sure that corrective actions are implemented, communication is enhanced and decision making is accelerated. Incidents, injuries and accidents are the major concerns in today’s world both to the environment, employee and the community at large.

Therefore Total Zero Harm has come up with a flexible monitoring programs that provide a cost-effective way of reducing these incidents and accidents  and that is through our  Near miss/hazard Reporting system to support individuals, private organizations, Government sectors and the community at large. Total Zero Harm is committed to supporting the communities within which we operate and where we live. We believe in the practice of social responsibility and encourage similar
behavior in our partners.

Everyone has the right to be safe at work and at home.  The community also has the right to expect that every one will care for the  environment, wellbeing and safety of others. We therefore expect each and every person in Botswana to be safe as they execute their task with respect for the environment and wellbeing of others.

Vision, Mission & Objectives

Our Vision
  • To increase health and safety awareness at home, work and community at large                          This means zero injuries, zero environmental damage and zero detrimental impact on human rights.
  • To alert the community about the potential hazards that could cause injury, illness and or cause death. 
Our Mission
  • The prevention of injuries, death and ill  health through hazard identification, correcting/manage them and reporting of near mis
Our Aims
  • To promote hazard awareness at home, at work and in the community
  • To Lead others to improve and promote road safety
  • Zero injuries to members of the public, Zero long-term harm to health, Zero damage to equipment and Zero environment damage
Our Objectives
  • Reporting all accidents, incidents & ill health hazards to relevant departments through near miss reporting system
  • Optimize the use of continuous improvement practices as the basis for "Zero accident tolerance" initiative
  • Eliminate all Environmental impacts aspects No Workplace Injuries, No environmental damage and Occupational diseases.
  • Enhance the community awareness and involvement in Health, Safety and Environment program implementation
  • Work in partnership to raise road safety awareness and create behavioral change in the community
  • Promote HSE as an integral part of our day –to-day activates