
Total Zero harm invites all  interested individuals,
private companies and government sectors to
partner with it and contribute towards the safety of
the community.

Total Zero Harm (Pty) Ltd is committed to supporting the communities within which we operate and
where we live. We believe in the practice of social responsibility and encourage similar behavior in
our partners. We support conservation of the physical environment and the prevention of pollution in
and surrounding our locations and proactively comply with all theapplicable work health and safety,
environmental, legal and regulatory requirements to which we abide.

Our goal is to protect our people, the public, property and the environment in which they work and live. 
It is a commitment that is in the best interests of the employees and the community.
It is possible to run all operations without injuries or damage to equipmentor the environment:
• We will comply with all applicable laws and relevant industry standardsof practice.
• We will continuously evaluate the Health, Safety and Environmental(HSE) aspects of our         equipment and services.
• We believe that effective HSE management is good business and we are
  Committed to the continuous improvement of HSE management practices.
• From top management through to entry level, everyone is responsible andaccountable for HSE.We
  are committed to the integration of HSE objectives into our management systems at all levels. This    will enhance our business success by reducing risk and adding value to our services.

Working with others to improve health and safety
Where improvements in health and safety are necessary and where HSE can make a
distinctive contribution, we will work closely with individuals, companies, industry
bodies, stakeholder groups, government sectors and others to assist in driving
forward sector-led  improvements to raise awareness of, create behavioural change
and ultimately improve health and safety in the workplace, at home and in the

Management shall provide strong visible commitment, leadership and personal involvement in health,
safety and the environment. Managementshall make available the resources necessary to achieve our
HSE objectives.
• Set a personal example day to day by following HSE rules.
• Make decisions that consider HSE matters equal to cost, quality, morale and production.
• Delegate the necessary authority to the appropriate personnel and allocate resources to
  carry out HSE functions.
• Visit operations on a regular basis to demonstrate commitment and recognize performance in
  HSE matters.
• Hold those in positions of authority accountable at all levels of the company for compliance with
  company policies and global standards.
• Develop HSE objectives at your level of responsibility.
• Celebrate and promote your HSE success.