What is a Near-miss?
A near miss is a potential hazard or incident that has not resulted in any personal injury-but had a potential to do so. Unsafe working conditions, bad driving habits, unsafe employee work habits, improper use of equipment or use of malfunctioning equipment have the potential to cause serious injuries. It is everyone’s responsibility to report and or correct these potential accidents/incidents immediately.

In our commitment to achieve Zero Harm to all employees , community and our environment, we take this moment to encourage you to take ownership of the Near Hit/Hazard Reporting initiative as it is a powerful and proactive tool to assist us in identifying and managing of dangerous situations, thereby preventing accidents.

It is a given fact that all incidents are preceded by a chain of events that warn of a potential occurrence. Therefore all, including supervisors, managers, community leaders and business partners are strongly reminded to encourage all employees and community at large to report  any potential hazards and Near Hits Incidents. These will all be meticulously recorded, reported, investigated and corrective or preventative measures taken.

Near Hit reporting is core to us as in striving for zero-harm, by putting in place proactive control measures to address and eliminate possible accidents before they even occur.

So, take a caring position, be watchful of your peers and surbodinates as they execute their task  and
remember, their safety is in your bold to say NO to injuries and be vocal against  all incidents. ZERO HARM is possible because all accidents are preventable and avoidable. Therefore let us all play our part.

How Do Near Miss Reporting Systems Prevent Future Incidents? Many safety activities are reactive and not proactive, and some organizations wait for losses to occur before taking steps to prevent a recurrence. Near miss incidents often precede loss producing events but may be overlooked as there was no harm (no injury, damage or loss). An organization may not have a reporting culture where employees are encouraged to report these close calls. Thus, many opportunities to prevent the
incidents are lost. History has shown repeatedly that most loss producing events (incidents), both serious and catastrophic, were preceded by warnings or near miss incidents. Recognizing and reporting near miss incidents can significantly improve worker safety and enhance an organization’s safety culture.

Just because the incident didn't result in a loss, illness or damage doesn't mean it should go unnoticed. Near misses represent the perfect time to improve and prevent incidents from becoming catastrophic accidents.

Reporting a near miss or a “close call” can provide ways for people to understand how an accident
could have happened and how to prevent an accident in the future with out anyone getting hurt.

Key Points
• Incidents occur every day around us that could result in a serious injury or damage.
• A near-miss program may help prevent future incidents.
• One problem that companies must overcome is employee’s fear        of  being blamed after reporting a near miss.
                                                    • Employers need to make the process of reporting a near miss as                                                                                               easy as possible.

Recognizing hazards and doing something about them is everyone's responsibility!
Safety is everyone's responsibility! As an employee and individual before executing any task, you should:
a. Learn to work safely and take all rules seriously.
b. Recognize hazards and avoid them.
c. Report all accidents, injuries and illness to your superior and authority immediately.
d. Inspect tools, equipment before use to avoid injury.
e. Wear all assigned personal protective equipment.

Near-misses is a wake-up call for you and those around you. Total Zero Harm  provide forms and guidelines on how to implement a reporting process that will help prevent serious  injuries and accidents. We also have other tools to help improve your injury prevention program.


We think first of Zero Harm.  We consider health, safety, the environment and human rights in all decisions concerning the development of projects, the selection of commercial partners and suppliers and the launch of new products or services. We do not let economic considerations overrule health and safety, respect for the environment or human rights.

We commit and contribute. Each and every one of us avoids harming people, their rights, or the environment through safe and appropriate work behavior and by identifying then eliminating risks through active Near Miss reporting system.c

We value everyone equally.  We protect the health, safety and human rights of our people, employees, customers and local communities. We have an obligation to our colleagues to ensure that they work or drive without harm.

We continuously improve.  We will ensure that management systems and training reflect our determination to make continual progress in health, safety and environment

We share. Everyone contributes to improving knowledge across Total Zero Harm through the capture, implementation and sharing of safety learning and best practices.

We respect ourselves. Every person in Total Zero Harm takes reasonable care of their own health and safety as well as that of their colleagues.

We respect the environment. Everyone is committed to using resources more efficiently, minimizing waste and encouraging the sustainable use of our products and services.